In the last year I've had the pleasure of running many workshops online. Online workshops were initially a whole new world for many people, artists and participants alike. During lockdown, being able to get together and create with other people was a cure for the isolation we were all experiencing.

I collaborated with an incredible artist, Liz Atkin, to deliver a set of workshops for Bethlem Gallery. The workshops were designed specifically for artists associated with the gallery, both those at home and on the wards at Bethlem Royal Hospital. Over four sessions we made artists books, exploring different folding techniques and mark making using white ink on black paper. We experimented with freewriting and collage. It was a pleasure to work with Liz, a good friend and close collaborator. You can read more about Liz and her work here, or on Instagram @liz_atkin
I also ran a series of workshops based on

I've also led recent online workshops for Art Matters and Disabled Artists Networking Community (DANC). If you'd like me to lead a workshop for you, either online or in person, please do get in touch by leaving a comment on this post, or via my website here.

I collaborated with an incredible artist, Liz Atkin, to deliver a set of workshops for Bethlem Gallery. The workshops were designed specifically for artists associated with the gallery, both those at home and on the wards at Bethlem Royal Hospital. Over four sessions we made artists books, exploring different folding techniques and mark making using white ink on black paper. We experimented with freewriting and collage. It was a pleasure to work with Liz, a good friend and close collaborator. You can read more about Liz and her work here, or on Instagram @liz_atkin
I also ran a series of workshops based on
Making Investigations, a set of toolkits of creative activities I was commissioned to make by Bethlem Gallery. In the first workshop we experimented with drawing from our senses, using what is at hand in our kitchens to explore drawing and looking, feeling, moving and listening. The second workshop explored binding found objects, as a way to share stories and uncover hidden histories the objects represent. The final workshop was playing with textiles, exploring the different meanings our clothes have to us and creating a variety fabric forms.

I've also led recent online workshops for Art Matters and Disabled Artists Networking Community (DANC). If you'd like me to lead a workshop for you, either online or in person, please do get in touch by leaving a comment on this post, or via my website here.
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