The Art and Value exhibition is now up at Bethlem Gallery from June - August 2019. It explores the question 'what does art help us to value?' I'm honoured to be exhibiting alongside artists Robyn Smith, Leon B and Sarah Carpenter.
Robyn Smith (image courtesy of Daniel Regan) |
Robyn worked with researchers at the Cognition, Schizophrenia and Imaging Laboratory at Kings College London, where they use neuroimaging to explore behavioural responses to psychological changes. In response to their research, Robyn made small 3D printed sculptures of herself, one as a patient in a hospital gown and the other as a researcher in a lab coat.
Leon B (image courtesy of Daniel Regan) |
Leon B is a resident at Bethlem Hospital uses art to maintain his well-being, which for him is about having autonomy. He paces the corridors of the ward and is able to imagine himself elsewhere and keep his fitness up. His work is made from pieces of lino flooring on the ward that has become worn, which he paints, changing their value into art.
Leon B (image by Daniel Regan) |
Sarah Carpenter (image courtesy of Daniel Regan)
Sarah worked with researchers from the Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) system at the Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre. She looked at how researchers are using patient data to look at real life situations on a larger scale, searching for patterns and trends.
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